Wait … I thought you weren’t much into advice giving…
54 ¾ pieces of life advice
I’ve noticed the growing trend of people putting out articles entitled “X pieces of advice” where X = the number of years that person’s had on the planet. Kevin Kelly, whose countdown clock/death date I reference at the very start of How to Begin, seemed to get this rolling. And I’ve seen it recently in some other writers I enjoy like David Perell and Madeline Dore. (I loved my 2 Pages interview with Madeline.)
I thought I’d take a crack.
- 54 pieces of advice = too many pieces of advice.
- Being generous and kind seem to be two of the most important “beings.” How are you doing with that?
- Working on something that feels important seems to be one of the most important “doings.” How are you doing with that?
- “This too will pass.”
- Wear sunscreen. (If nothing else, trust me on the sunscreen.)
- Give credit where credit’s due. Not Baz Luhrmann or Kurt Vonnegut but Mary Schmich
- 54 pieces of advice is DEFINITELY too much advice.
6¾. I’d rather have the best bits of other people’s advice, than 54 pieces of my own. Will you share your best piece of wisdom/advice? Give me your best here. I’ll share a selection in an upcoming newsletter.
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