WE ARE DELIGHTFUL PRESENTS Three New Practices to Thrive in Hard Times
Three New Practices to Thrive in Hard Times (at Work and in Life)
Beyond grit. Beyond resilience.
Get the insights, practices and tools you need to be strengthened – not swallowed whole – by stress.
The event is over but register now to get instant access to the replay and download book chapters from each speaker.
Are you ready to be someone who makes a difference in times of overwhelm?
Is it time you truly invested in yourself so that you can face even the biggest changes and losses?
And is today the day you commit to regularly repairing and caring for the health of your connections so they can weather any storm?
“Hard times” doesn’t really capture it, does it?
If you’ve been alive any time in the last few years, you’ll have accumulated some dents and cracks …
You’ll have your own list of what’s affected you, but you’ll be ticking at least some of the boxes labeled pandemic, political unrest, financial turmoil, business uncertainty, racial challenges, increased polarization, relationship breakdown, and climate concerns.
Those are big boxes and they likely manifest in ripples of challenges in your everyday working and living.
This can leave you feeling more overwhelmed and underwhelmed (probably at the same time) than ever before.
The struggle isn’t the whole story, of course. You’ve all also got some access to joy and delight. We’re all doing the best we can.
But if you’re asking yourself:
How do I keep facing the chaos?
How do I get back to the best version of who I am?
And how do I thrive with the people in my life?
Then we’ve designed a summit just for you.
Beyond grit. Beyond resilience.
You already know about resilience and grit, and mindfulness, and that’s all good.
But this summit isn’t about revisiting the best ideas from 2018. It’s about opening up new strategies for thriving.
This summit brings together three masterful teachers, each with something new to share.
Learn three new powerful approaches to resourcing yourself, your work, and your relationships, so that you stay connected, impactful, and thriving in these ever-changing and challenging times.
What you’ll learn at this event
During this 75-minute event, your 3 expert guides will support you with insights and tools so that you can thrive in hard times (at work and in life).
1. See the world like an impact player … with Liz Wiseman
Liz has the rigor of a scientist and the soul of a poet. She always says she’s a researcher rather than a writer, but she has a gift of metaphor and story that any writer would give their left hand for (although probably not literally, because that would slow typing down considerably).
Her latest WSJ-bestselling book, Impact Players digs deep into explaining why some people have an outsized impact … in the work they do, in the teams they’re part of, and in the cultures they contribute to. It’s not magic. It’s a series of specific ways of managing ambiguity, framing situations, and understanding the role that they’re best able to play.
In Liz’s session, she’s sharing three metaphors that help you access the capacity and courage of an Impact Player, as well as specific tactics to actually make a new difference.
Tasha, like Liz, also and always brings the rigor of science to her work. But her latest work isn’t just an idea made clear and proved true. It’s hard-won wisdom gleaned from a very hard three years battling a chronic health issue.
When she shares what it takes to be shatterproof, she’s telling you what it’s taken for her to pick herself up, to move beyond concepts like “resilience” and “grit” and reclaim her space, her work, and her life. Tasha will be teaching from the very cutting-edge of her latest work, an exclusive preview that will be forthcoming in her 2025 book.
In Tasha’s session, she’s sharing her three-part framework on what it takes to become shatterproof, with some specific suggestions on how to begin that practice right away.
2. Be shatterproof … with Dr. Tasha Eurich
3. Make relationships repairable … with Michael Bungay Stanier
Our happiness and our success at work (and beyond) is based on the quality of our relationships. But too much of the time, we cross our fingers and hope for the best. But every working relationship will go off the rails at some stage. What happens, then?
My latest book, How to Work with (Almost) Anyone, is almost here (June 27th, and available for pre-order thanks for asking). In the book I suggest the three elements of a Best Possible Relationship: they should be safe, vital, and repairable.
Of these, the one least commonly addressed is “repairable”. When your working relationship is dented or cracked, what do you do? What are the steps that will help you take the first step to being the catalyst for relationships that will grow stronger over time?
In my session, I’ll be sharing just that. Brené Brown blurbed the book (bless her!) and said, “the wisdom is real” … I’m excited to share that wisdom with you.
Learn About Your Speakers
Join three extraordinary teachers as we share our latest thinking on how to best invest in yourself, your ability to make an impact, and your most important connections so that you are better able to thrive in stressful and chaotic times.

Michael Bungay Stanier is the author of seven books, including The Coaching Habit (the best selling book on coaching this century). His next book, How to Work with (Almost) Anyone (arriving June 27th), shares how to build working relationships that are safe, vital, and repairable.
Michael has started two successful companies, coached Brené Brown on her podcast, and been a Rhodes Scholar … but his deepest success is taking pleasure in doing jigsaw puzzles with his wife of thirty years.

Liz Wiseman is a researcher and executive advisor who teaches leadership to executives around the world. She is the author of The New York Times bestseller Multipliers, and Wall Street Journal bestsellers Rookie Smarts and Impact Players.
Liz writes for Harvard Business Review, Fortune and a variety of other business and leadership journals. Liz has received the top achievement award for leadership from Thinkers50 and has been consistently named one of the world’s top 50 management thinkers.

Dr. Tasha Eurich is an organizational psychologist, researcher, and New York Times best-selling author who has been recognized as the world’s leading self-awareness coach and communication expert.
Tasha’s latest book, Insight, explores the connection between self-awareness and success. Insight is a Brené Brown Leadership/Business book, and Adam Grant calls it one of the three books he recommends most. More than 8 million people have viewed her 2017 TEDx talk.
The three of us aren’t just good at what we teach. We’re good at how we teach it. We’ve all stood on stages and sat in front of Zoom screens before crowds of thousands. We’re experienced teachers who love to share tools that are practical and powerful.
Join this event and start the conversation with us. After the event, you’ll be hearing from each of us in your inbox so you can continue the conversations we start during our 75-minutes together.
You’re not going to want to miss this opportunity to interact with these best-selling authors.
The Format
The event is over but register now to get instant access to the replay and download book chapters from each speaker.
Your time – that’s it and we promise to make it worth your time.
There is no monetary fee for this event.
This is an interactive event. In addition to our teaching we’ll be doing some back and forth interaction between the speakers.
We’re not going to be sitting back and just speaking at you, you’re going to be part of this event.
There are 3 essential lessons we will be exploring during the event:
- How to have the biggest impact … even (and especially) when the stakes are high
- How to become shatterproof … so that you aren’t taken down by your biggest challenge yet
- How to repair your relationships … so that they are made stronger by the dents, not diminished by them
This interactive, playful (but practical) event will be livestreamed.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to do your hair or get out of your pajamas. There will be plenty of opportunities to engage with our speakers and other attendees in chat.
Worried about the hot air?
Sometimes these online teaching events can be all hot air and very very little thrust.
Or they can be hot air followed by the icy chill of an upsell to something expensive where the real content is.
This is not one of those events. This is not a webinar.
During this event we will provide you with …
Real tools to thrive in hard times (at work and in life)
In 75 minutes, we’re going to bring our best thinking to you. We’ll share the key elements of what it takes to thrive at work, in life, and in your relationships, even in the face of chaos and in times of stress:
- Learn how to manage ambiguity, frame situations, and identify they role that you are meant to play to have the biggest impact
- Learn how to claim (or reclaim) your space, your work, and your life in the face of life-altering changes or loss
- Learn the exact steps to take to repair a relationship that’s been dented or cracked so that you both and your connection come out stronger
This gathering will be highly practical, playful, interactive and succinct.
We’re going to do a lot of great work in just 75 minutes.
Reset your approach to yourself, your work, and your relationships so that you can stay connected, impactful, and thriving in these ever-changing and challenging times.
You can face the chaos.
You, your impact, and your connections can be made stronger by stress.
Three New Practices for Thriving in Hard Times (at Work and in Life)
Grab your ticket for Three New Practices to Thrive in Hard Times (at Work and in Life) and get the practical tools and insights you need to thrive in the face of stress.