Me, Jill Murphy (BoC’s’ succession coach), Shannon Minifie (BoC’s CEO)
How to give credit
I recently got “You’re awesome and you’re doing great” made into a banner by these good people.
I’m not entirely sure why. It was a spur of the moment thing.
When it arrived, I realized I didn’t have anywhere to hang it. My office is under the eaves of a roof, so everything slopes in a very not-good-for-hanging-pennants kinda way.
So I’ve started taking it with me when I traveled.
Last week I was just at a gathering for people who lead training companies. (This is a great organization, if you happen to do that too.) I was there because there were smart things to learn, old and new friends with whom to connect, and also it wasn’t being held in a wintery Canadian place.
But top of my list was hanging out with Shannon and Jill, who you see in the photo above. Shannon’s Box of Crayons’ CEO, and Jill worked with us for two years to help me give up that mantle and for Shannon to firmly grasp it. And there’s the banner.
In fact, I took quite a few selfie+friend+banner shots while I was there, and the addition of “you’re awesome and you’re doing great” seemed to shift the vibe a little, and in a good way.
I remembered (yet again) just how powerful it is to acknowledge someone.
You can probably do that right now with someone in your life.
Could be someone who you deeply appreciate, and you want them to know how they matter to you.
Could be someone who’s a little irritating right now, and you want to remind yourself of where the good is, rather than being totally sucked in by the annoying.
Feel free to use any of these “stubs”:
I’m celebrating your …
I really appreciate …
You’re fantastic at …
You’ve got a gift for…
I like to name things that are more on the “being” side rather than the “doing” side. Words like: generosity, commitment, kindness, intensity, courage, willingness, lightness of touch, resilience, showing up, not being daunted.
A variation is to name the feeling they evoke in you. “I’m [feeling] of you/for you”. Proud, delighted, amazed, excited, cheering.
Do whatever works for you.
Somebody come to mind?
(Meantime, remember that YOU are awesome, and YOU are doing great.)
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