Fiona Macaulay, Amii Barnard-Bahn & Diane Ryan – some of the 100 Coaches in Nashville
Keep Hosting
I spent the weekend before last with the “100 Coaches”, an assortment of lovely people (who are not only coaches and who also number more than 100, but whatever). We sweated our way through a very warm time in Nashville, learning and enjoying the pleasure of each other’s company …
It was an initiative started by Marshall Goldsmith and originally called The MG15. Out of 12,000 applicants, he selected 15 people to whom he’d teach everything he knew, for free; with the quid pro quo being that those 15 would do something similar.
I was lucky enough to be one of the first 15. But the “15 people only” goal has been fatally undercut by one of Marshall’s superpowers: being an inclusive and generous host. Yes, he’s a terrific coach and a great author. But what I think he’s truly amazing at is gathering people together. If there’s one word that comes to mind when I think about Marshall, it’s “Welcome!”
You may well have been doing your own gathering recently. July 1 is Canada Day, and July 4 is American Independence Day, and they’re both great reasons to hang out.
But don’t stop now. In fact, I’ve got two suggestions.
First, consider being someone who invites people in. I heard someone say recently, “No-one likes to be the person to say the first hello, but everyone likes to be greeted.” (I’ve been saying that a lot in the context of starting a Keystone Conversation too, but no need to bang on about this.)
Second, say Yes to more invitations, even the ones you’re not sure of. One of my friends at the MG100 gathering, Carolyn Webb (coach and also the author of the terrific How to Have a Good Day), once told me that she says Yes to any invitation because she wants to encourage the person who’s been brave enough to open their literal or metaphorical door.
If you’re curious, here are two resources I’ve found helpful. The first is more high-level, and the second is a fantastic blueprint
- Priya Parker’s, The Art of Gathering
- Nick Gray’s, The 2-Hour Cocktail Party
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