Bumps ahead? This article might help.
Lead the applause
Last night, I went to a whisky tasting at Toronto’s (and probably Canada’s, and likely North America’s) best whisky pub—The Caledonian.
I don’t even like whisky much: the week Marcella and I spent on Islay in April confirmed this for sure.
But I do like the gathering, the ritual of trying to figure out the taste, the mac and cheese beforehand, and that it’s one of Marcella’s favourite things to do.
We had a guide from the specific distillery talking us through each dram we tasted. He wasn’t as smooth or as experienced as other guides I’ve seen, so he talked a little bit too much, and tended to trail off rather than “sticking the landing” when he was done.
It meant that when he did finish talking, there was a beat or two of silence, slightly awkward.
Are we done? Is there more?
I started clapping, and within a heartbeat so did everyone in the pub.
It wasn’t rapturous, it wasn’t patronizing, it was simply: thank you, and well done.
“Applause is always nice,” he said.
Encourage others to appreciate others
Applause IS always nice.
And when you lead the applause, you’re doubling the impact.
You’re encouraging the performer.
And you’re encouraging the audience to encourage the performer.
It’s an easy gift to give.
Be generous with your applause.
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