Marcella and me, with the front yard display twinkling in the background
Light it up
Marcella and I spend the first week of December in Nova Scotia, her home province. We hang out with my sister- and brother-in-law, play cards, and have the occasional glass of wine.
In the neighbourhood, Gary and Lynn are famous for their front yard display, mostly all hand-crafted by Gary. This year’s involves the Grinch on a sleigh, The Road Runner, an enormous gnome, and a vast number of lights.
People come from miles around to see it. It’s fantastic.
It’s also the inspiration for this newsletter.
I want you to tell me what you’re shining the light on from this year.
Don’t be modest; be generous, kind, and celebratory.
Using my 3P model from The Coaching Habit, perhaps you could consider
Projects: What’s the work you’ve done that you want to celebrate?
People: What are the relationships that you’re proud of?
Patterns: How have you changed, evolved and grown?
(Amongst other things, I’m celebrating the launch of How to Work with (Almost) Anyone – we had a good plan and we worked it. I’m celebrating the time I’ve spent in Australia with my family, and in particular with my mum. I’m celebrating that I’m taking responsibility for reaching out to people in my life.)
This is the last newsletter of the year. Thank you for reading. It’s been a pleasure to be with you all year long (or for however much of this year you’ve been on my newsletter list – welcome newbies!). We’ll be back again in January.
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