Free training access PLUS you’re entered in the draw for coaching!


Free training access PLUS you’re entered in the draw for coaching!

Two things (the first one is particularly juicy):

1. Easily increase your chances of winning the coaching session with me. Because I’m trying to get The Coaching Habit in as many hands as possible, (and I love the thrill of a lil competition) I’ve sent you an email showing you how to gain extra entries in the draw for coaching.

Subject: Welcome to The Coaching Habit Contest

Sender: the good people at [email protected]

Check out the email and invite some friends along! Everyone who signs up with your unique invite link adds 10 (I know! 10!) entries with your name on it to the draw! If you haven’t received anything (including in your spam or promotions tabs) within 15 minutes, email us at: [email protected]

2. Add the three live Coaching Habit training sessions to your calendar. All the details (dates, times, links to join, etc.) are in an email in your inbox (or arriving there shortly).

Subject: [TCHLive] Training access details

Sender: your pals at [email protected]