Marcella and I being ease-ful, at Manly Beach.
The power of ‘easy’ (x 4)
I’m on another quick trip to Australia, spending time with my family. Highlights include Mum, Marcella, and me taking a trip to Adelaide (Barossa wine tour!) and my lovely brother Gus celebrating his 50th birthday with the extended family.
When I’ve ordered an espresso or a “smashed avo” at a café, often the person behind the counter will say “easy as,” … meaning, “sure thing,” “no problem,” or “coming right up.”
This got me thinking about the different types of easy you can use in your life.
Easy, tiger
Whoa, slow down. You’re getting a little out of hand here. It’s all getting a bit too intense, and going a little too far.
For a while, this was Marcella’s “safe word” for me if we were out with friends and I was about to tell a “hilarious” story about our personal life.
It turns out she thinks not *everything* we do together needs to be turned into an anecdote. I know—who knew?
So when I was about to cross the line, I would hear, “easy, tiger.”
Easy & easiest
I’ve got a new book coming in January, the Do Something That Matters Journal. Even as we speak, it’s on its way here by boat. It’s gorgeous, and it’s a process plus some of my very best questions to help you make progress on the stuff that matters.
If you’re here because of How to Begin or The Conspiracy or even Do More Great Work, then you’ll probably love this. 😀
We’re currently planning its January launch.
I keep overcomplicating things because there’s an infinite amount of money and time you can invest in a book launch.
And the goal here is to make it easy for us as a team.
What’s the easiest thing to do?
Easy & easeful
This is similar but different from “easy & easiest.”
This is where grace, elegance, and lightness weave together. It may not be the absolute easiest thing to do, but it’s the one that depletes you the least and nourishes you the most.
I have a new project brewing about how change works in organizations, and I’ve hired a guide (Olly … his newsletter is terrific) to help prevent me from overcomplicating things and making them a burden rather than a joy.
This is where you might skip rather than walk.
Easy as
And finally, back to my barista.
At the risk of making this more than it is, at its best, this is a joyful acceptance of the work ahead of you.
It’s rubbing your hands together and looking forward to cracking on with it.
Let’s go!
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