That’s me looking up to the Milky Way in Canberra’s Botanic Gardens. Photo by @Arirex1.
Heads Up
Bertold Brecht’s poem “In Praise of Doubt” has a shining section midway through:
But the most beautiful of all doubts
Is when the downtrodden and despondent
Raise their heads and
Stop believing in the strength
Of their oppressors
What I notice (in this moment … it changes each time I read it) is how the body leads the brain.
(I wrote about how so often our oppressors are the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves … but I’ll save that for another time.)
If you want to shift how you’re thinking, one of the most powerful things to do is shift how you’re moving.
“Raise your head”. Like I said in last week’s Distillation, changing perspective works marvels.
When you raise your head, you lift your eyes. And when you lift your eyes you scan the horizon, you see the path, you meet the challenge.
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