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What if … ?

A cluster of inspiration

What if … ?

The first company I worked with after leaving university was? What If!

We called it ?! for short (I’m not sure why they italicized the !, but I think it’s a nod to printers calling the exclamation point a Bang! Mark, and that little lean gives a node to the ! thunderclap.)

It was a fantastic name for a company (I think Box of Crayons might just pip it for awesomeness, but I’m biased), and it’s an outstanding start to many questions.

August is proving to be a reflective month, so why not pick one of these to wrestle with and reflect upon…

What if you reached out? [tweet this]

What if you committed fully? [or tweet this]

What if you sought out a teacher? [or tweet this one]

What if you sought out trouble? [or maybe tweet this one]

What if you let it burn? [is this the one to tweet?]

What if you focused resolutely on just one thing? [pick me! Tweet me!]

What if you forgave yourself? [last chance to tweet]

Don’t forget “and what else?”

Because your first answer is not your best or only answer.

Follow your question all the way to the end, and see what’s there.

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Michael Bungay Stanier

Michael Bungay Stanier

I'm the author of five books that have collectively sold more than a million copies. I'm the founder of Box of Crayons, a learning and development company that helps organizations move from advice-driven to curiosity-led. I'm the host of the *2 Pages with MBS* podcast.