What title would you give this piece of art?
Wrestle or dance?
This piece of art sits right in front of my desk.
Which means I’d stopped noticing it.
But sitting with my fresh start for the new year, figuring out how I wanted to show up and navigate the next little while, writing in my new journal, 🙂 and answering the daily question, “What do you notice?” … well, there it was.
Right in front of me.
What do you think is going on?
I love it for two reasons.
First, because it’s both rough and delicate. It’s old metal, with figures made (I think) from soldering iron. It’s a bit rusty, a bit battered, but somehow also precise and timeless.
Second, because the two figures are beautifully and ambiguously balanced.
Are they wrestling, or are they dancing?
Are they embracing, or are they turning away from each other?
Are they loving or fearful?
The piece is called “wrestling.”
But mostly I see dancing.
How about you?
Language shapes our experience
I’ve been working on a new project (see One Last Thing).
It’s been exciting and also hard work. So, in other words, the best kind. It’s ticked the boxes of a Worthy Goal: Tthrilling, Iimportant and Ddaunting.
What’s helped during the hard times has been choosing how I frame the experience.
I could have been battling, wrestling, struggling, frustrated with some of the working moments.
Or, in those same moments, I could have been dancing, exploring, emerging, playing.
Most of the time, I took Option B, and it seemed to help.
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